Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I cannot believe it is already August...where did this summer go?? School starts back up in a few weeks and I will be back to the city on a hill aka DBU. :) I am actually excited to be back in the DBU bubble and reunited with all my friends and ADK sisters. This past weekend I started moving into my on campus apartment and I absolutely love it! I will be living with 4 other girls...3 in one room and 2 in the other and there are two bathrooms, kitchen, dining room...it's gonna be so fun! We are decorating in black, white, and red and our bedroom is white, turqoise, and brown. It is so cozy already! I am most excited about having my own kitchen and getting to cook!
But yeah, so God has really been blessing me lately! I had 3 nanny job interviews this weekend and I got one of them! It is for an 8 year old girl and a 6 year old boy. I will pick them up from school everyday and watch them for a few hours until their mom comes home. I am excited!
Also, next friday is my Cooper Personal Trainer test so I am getting nervous about that! I really hope I pass it and then I'll finally be a CERTIFIED PERSONAL TRAINER! yay!

‎"TRUST in the Lord with ALL your ♥...Seek HIS will in all you do, and he WILL show you which path to take." Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lasting Beauty Within

1 Peter 3:3-4

"Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."

While I was watching TV this morning a lot of things came to mind. Why do young girls and women have such a hard time believing they are beautiful? I see all those celebrities that go out and pay tons of money to trim this, enhance that, or fix here and there. I will see girls younger than me get breast implants and it just makes me wonder...is that really going to make you happy?

Now I am not gonna lie, I struggle with my appearance daily and I have to remind myself who created me and all that matters is that HE thinks I am beautiful. It just makes me sad to see young women giving into the lie that they have to have the perfect body, perfect outfit, and perfect hairstyle to be accepted. They may be trying to impress a guy and the only way they think he will notice is if they have big boobs and a flat stomach. But what I want those girls to know is that a REAL GUY will be attracted to the beauty of your heart, personality, and your natural self. And honestly, you don't want to attract a type of guy who is only going for you because of your looks do you?

Most importantly, God created you and thinks you are EXQUISITE. He designed you uniquely different than any other woman. God thinks you are marvelous and perfect just the way you are. When you focus on letting Him beautify your heart...then you will have a beauty that comes from within, one that will last and never fade away...