"Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for I pray to no one but you. Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly."
-Psalm 5:2-3
Good morning everyone! I love those verses because they are my prayer in this season of my life right now. Since my last post, God has been doing an incredible work in my heart. He has laid so many things on my heart and the biggest one is that HE IS IN CONTROL. I think it is my personality to take control of things when I feel uncertain or just have no idea what to do. My first instinct is to, act. However, the Lord has been revealing to me that He simply wants me to hand over the control that I am trying to take, and give it back to Him. Whenever we try to take over control, God cannot accomplish the work He wants to do in us. This morning I came across some great truth in my devotional..."Perhaps you don't see any purpose yet, but then, He isn't finished making you. And besides, you are arguing with the process."
Wow. If I try to take control of a situation that God clearly wants me to trust him in, then basically I am arguing with God and questioning his work. As I was laying in bed the other night I had this heavy conviction come over me and I kept singing these words in my head...
"Oh, my God, He will not delay
My refuge and strength always
I will not fear, His promise is true
My God will come through always, always"
That is a song by Kristian Stanfill called "Always" And I suddenly realized that God promises that He is going to come through and He has everything under control. So why should I even try to take control? Do you know how exhausting that is? God wants us to give him control in every situation and every season in life, both good and bad.
I came across this other piece of truth this morning..."Sitting still, doing nothing except trusting in the Lord, causes a feeling of uncertainty and there is often a tremendous temptation to take the battle into our own hands." So in this season of my life I am called to wait and trust in the Lord. I must fight the temptation to take control, and trust that God is working and his ways are PERFECT.
Lets go SHINE today!
<3 Anna
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